17/04/95 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban Revised 30/5/74
Constantly co觔perate with the Father and be ever訃eady in spiritual service.
Do you consider yourselves to be the victorious souls who put any type of order you receive into practice within asecond? If you were now to receive the order to make your vision spiritual and divine, vision in which there isn't theslightest trace of arrogance of the body, not even in your thoughts, would you be able to make yourself like this? Or,would you take time to become this? If, instead of one second, you take two seconds, would you be called ever訃eady? If you receive the order that, on the basis of your elevated awareness, you have to transform the awareness ofall souls, would you be ever訃eady to do this? If you receive the order to instantly transform the present atmospherewith your Godly awareness, would you be able to do this? If you receive the order to transform the circumstances ofsouls who are under the influence of their circumstances with your present stage of an almighty authority, would yoube able to do this? If you receive the order to become a master creator and have good wishes and pure feelings foryour creation, to satisfy the needs of the beggar souls according to their desires and to become a great donor and abestower of blessings, would you be able to make everyone content? Or would some be content and some deprived?Do you experience yourself to be overflowing with the treasure貞tock of all powers? Do you constantly have all theweapons in your hands? All the weapons means all the powers. If even one weapon or power is missing, or if thereis weakness in one power, would such a soul be called ever訃eady? Just as the Father is ever訃eady, that is, He iscomplete with all powers, are you following the Father in the same way?
At the present time, such a group of ever訃eady souls who co觔perate with the Father is needed. Each group definitelyhas one or another sign of their speciality. So what is the sign of such a group who is ever訃eady? Do you know it?You must have seen the sign of the physical military. Each group has its own medal. What is the medal of thisspiritual military, this ever訃eady group? Is it this physical badge? This is an easy means of service and it issomething that gives you constant company, but the medal or sign of the first group is the rosary of victory. First isthe ever訃eady group of those who are to be threaded in the rosary of victory. They constantly have the rosary ofvictory around themselves with faith and intoxication. To be constantly victorious is the first sign of the rosary. Inthe same way, children who are ever訃eady will constantly be decorated with this awareness. The second sign is thatthey will always be detached observers, wearing the armour of constant companions. All the powers of those who areever訃eady will be companions and officers who accept their orders. As soon as they receive the order, all the powerswill say: Yes my lord. Their forehead will be constantly visibly sparkling with the awareness of the soul, that is, thejewel on the forehead will visibly be sparkling. On the basis of having spiritual light and might, their eyes willbecome instruments to show all souls the path to mukti and jeevanmukti. Their smiling face will enable others toforget their sorrow and make them cheerful in one second. Are you such an ever訃eady group with the rosary ofvictory around the neck? Or, do you continue to ask for further methods from others? And, do you set aside yourweapons and then beg for weapons when you need them? "Give me this power, give me this co觔peration, let mehave this support." Even to have this thought is like begging. How could such a beggar become a great donor orbestower of blessings? What can a beggar give to a beggar? Look at yourself and check whether you have becomeworthy to become part of the ever訃eady group. It should not be that you are given an order for one thing but inpractice something else happens. You are not weak to this extent, are you? Even now, you still have a chance togallop ahead. You can still transform yourself into any group that you want. However, after some time, even thechance to gallop will finish, and to whatever extent each of you has made effort, so you will remain at that point.
Then, no matter how many applications you make, they will not be granted, but instead, you will be undercompulsion. This is why BapDada is still warning you in advance, so that those who come later do not have anycomplaints for the Father. This is why, know the importance of every second and every thought and make yourselfgreat. Use the power to recognise for the self and for service, for only then will you be able to finish all your ownweaknesses, and make others complete according to their desires, and become a great donor and a bestower ofblessings. Achcha, to those who constantly have positive thoughts and who always maintain positive thinking; to those whofulfil the desires of others; to those who give the light of knowledge to all souls through the jewel on their foreheadand to those who are constantly a lighthouse and might虐ouse and who co觔perate with the Father, BapDada's love,remembrances, good night and namaste.
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